Friday, June 8, 2007

The Not So Simple Life

Yes, Finally Paris will get whats coming to her! Is anyone else totally annoyed with Paris Hilton? I can't believe I'm even caring enough to write about it in my blog but I'm so fed up. I was actually mad yesterday when I heard she had been released from jail for medical reasons. Give me a break! I'm so annoyed that celebrities get such special treatment-especially something as serious as a DUI. What is with our judicial system?
Did anyone happen to catch Oprah this week? She had a segment on horrible accidents that happen to various people. One family in particular, lost their 8 year old daughter to a drunk driver. I won't get into the details but this accident was horrible and completely preventable. This makes me so angry.
Well I am proud to report that as of right now she is back in jail-where she belongs. Maybe it will wipe that never ending smirk off her face! I know she gets special treatment and what not but it's better than her mansion. Anyways, that's my frustration. I realize I'm so ridiculous for even caring but oh well.


Baldwin Fam said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I'm just glad the judge had more sense to stand up to her and her lawyers than the Sheriff's Office did.

Jamie said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!! I just can't believe that all these girls are supposed to be the next generation in Hollywood, what does that mean for my girls?? What will they be like in 10 more years?? That's a scary thought! At least she had to go back, some justice was served in all of this. It's just pathetic.......if you "can't do the time, don't do the crime"!

Things Landon loves

  • Rocky
  • running not walking
  • vienna sausages
  • head butting
  • tooth brushes