Thursday, June 7, 2007

MMMM, Milkshakes

So Landon was sick for a while and we couldn't get him to eat or drink anything with the exception of milkshakes. His favorite thus far, and a frequent trip for us, is In-n-out. He will seriously almost drink an entire one in one long slurp. As soon as I take it away from him his nasty side comes out and he'll scream at me. He won't stop sucking and I know he's bound to get a really bad brain freeze but I guess he'll learn. See what a good mother I am what with all the nutrtion I feed my child? There was a time forever ago when I actually cared what he ate, I actually even made homemade baby food, what was I thinking? but at this point I no longer care.

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Things Landon loves

  • Rocky
  • running not walking
  • vienna sausages
  • head butting
  • tooth brushes